I know the rule, but I did not heed the rule. And I am paying for it.
Runners know that when they increase their mileage, it is increased by 10%. You get used to that mileage before increasing again.
I have been running my little three mile out and back route for some time. Today I decided to do four miles. That is a 25% increase; not a smart thing to do. My calf seized up on me as I ran down the hill toward home. I analyzed how many miles I had run and it was 3.4 miles. Now, if I had done the smart thing and increased by 10% I would have been home and done before my calf hurt.
Getting old is a bitch!
OW! HOPE it’s doing better today, Wiz!
Ha ha, indeed it is. Sorry to hear about your calf though, that’s never fun. I can’t believe you run three miles! I REALLY need to get back in shape….