With the marathon in the near future, my nerves are running on full steam. I try to remind myself it’s an event not a competition. Outwardly I may agree, however, inside I’m going nuts.
As I did my eight miler Monday, my left leg seized up and I had to walk the last two miles. Then said leg made it hard to even walk normally yesterday. I iced, drugged, and compressed it and it did feel better. I walked the four miles today with my leg wrapped. It doesn’t really hurt but I am doing the same TLC for it.
I made the decision to walk all remaining training miles, of which there are 33. Doing the marathon is now simply an endurance event; I figure at least five hours. If the leg feels good, it may be quicker but I don’t anticipate that happening. Regardless, I have seven hours from start to the finish line closing. I could realistically walk 26.2 miles in that time.
Nerves are also showing themselves in the way of mindless eating (anything!) and sores on my hands. Once these sores appear, it takes about a month for them to run their course, and it’s not comfortable! The sores aren’t open, merely red, swollen, tender spots which are very sensitive (painful) to the touch. Usually on my knuckles, the sores can appear on the palm-side of my fingers too. They don’t stop me from doing anything but they sure are a huge annoyance.
This morning I got out the medals from my four previous marathons. A visual that I really can do this? Who knows? OK, I’m rambling……
1996 - Mayor’s Midnight Sun Marathon - Anchorage, AK
1998 - Trail’s End Marathon - Warrenton, OR
1999 - Trail’s End Marathon - Warrenton, OR
2001 - Newport Marathon - Newport, OR