Archive for the 'just me' Category

nerves are kicking in

With the marathon in the near future, my nerves are running on full steam. I try to remind myself it’s an event not a competition. Outwardly I may agree, however, inside I’m going nuts.

As I did my eight miler Monday, my left leg seized up and I had to walk the last two miles. Then said leg made it hard to even walk normally yesterday. I iced, drugged, and compressed it and it did feel better. I walked the four miles today with my leg wrapped. It doesn’t really hurt but I am doing the same TLC for it.

I made the decision to walk all remaining training miles, of which there are 33. Doing the marathon is now simply an endurance event; I figure at least five hours. If the leg feels good, it may be quicker but I don’t anticipate that happening. Regardless, I have seven hours from start to the finish line closing. I could realistically walk 26.2 miles in that time.

Nerves are also showing themselves in the way of mindless eating (anything!) and sores on my hands. Once these sores appear, it takes about a month for them to run their course, and it’s not comfortable! The sores aren’t open, merely red, swollen, tender spots which are very sensitive (painful) to the touch. Usually on my knuckles, the sores can appear on the palm-side of my fingers too. They don’t stop me from doing anything but they sure are a huge annoyance.

This morning I got out the medals from my four previous marathons. A visual that I really can do this? Who knows? OK, I’m rambling……

1996 - Mayor’s Midnight Sun Marathon - Anchorage, AK

1998 - Trail’s End Marathon - Warrenton, OR

1999 - Trail’s End Marathon - Warrenton, OR

2001 - Newport Marathon - Newport, OR

go the distance! (16 miles)

And that’s what I did, go the distance. I had no desire to go out today but obviously I did.

I walked my usual first two miles, then started running. After about 1/2 mile my left leg felt weird. With the marathon looming close on the horizon, I decided not to tempt fate and chose to walk. And walk I did….many miles. I tossed a bit of running into the mix but not enough keep track of. Let’s just say I walked well over half the distance.

I know I’ve been “off” lately, partly due to my trip to Seattle, which involved strange eating and sleeping habits. Fatigue is getting to me, though I am trying to stave it off. The coming two weeks will be focused on eating well, sleeping better, and easing my mind. Sounds like a tall order but one I must fervently try to fill.

change of scenery (20 miles scheduled, 16+ miles covered)

This may be long…..

Mom called Wednesday saying Daddy had taken a downturn in health: fluid in his lungs, unable to pick up his spoon at lunch, falling asleep at the lunch table. Mom was distraught, as she well should have been! I asked if she wanted me to come up to Seattle and she said yes.

I then packed, including all running gear, for an unknown period of time. I researched the mileage around Green Lake for Friday’s 20 miler - 7.14 times around.

I arrived at the Norse Home about 10:30 Thursday morning. I had lunch with M&D. Later that afternoon, Richard came by then Thomas. Richard visited for some time then left while Thomas stayed for dinner. As he departed, Robert arrived. He hung around for a bit then it was time to go to Sea-Tac to pick up Connie (from Spokane) and Dot (from Eugene). I drove to the airport with him. We had some time to talk things over concerning M&D. Oh, and when we were all at M&D’s, Daddy really perked up. After getting Dot and Connie, we went back to Norse Home to say hi to Mom.

Friday dawned with a run scheduled for me. I set out and walked to the lake for a warm up then the run. I was doing fine, though getting tired as expected, when I experienced something new. I had done 5 laps (14 miles) and was about 1/4 into the 6th when I started seeing “peripheral stars.” I felt fine but it was like sparklies around my iris, and it was most disconcerting. I made a conservative decision to turn around and head back to the house. (I had ID with me but nothing indicating where I “belonged” in Seattle.) I walked and the sparklies stopped about 10 minutes later. I mentioned it to Dot when I got to the house and she immediately gave me a name of the phenomenon–inner ocular migraine. So, no worries but it seemed prudent at the time to go home.

Obviously I did not do the proscribed miles for this week. Am I concerned? Not really. Had there been support along the rest of my route, I would have continued.

It’s Sunday and I am now home.  I may write about Daddy later, I may not; I don’t know. A brief note here in case I don’t. He really rallied with all of us visiting, coming down and eating meals, but we all know the end is imminent. It may be a day, a week, a month, six months but only God knows. Hospice will come when needed and I believe we have taken care of all eventualities.

pests!!! (16 miles)

Yesterday’s seasonably warm weather obviously enticed the insect population out of their shells, as it were. The flying bugs which I encountered in the forest were almost treacherous. My baseball cap was a perfect ‘trap’ for them; they’d get caught under the brim and wreak havoc with my face. I inhaled a number of them in my nose and mouth. If that wasn’t enough, they’d find their way under or between my glasses. (I wear my regular glasses and sunglasses on top of them.) Ugh, I sorely detest insects.

On a related note, the run was OK. No energy to speak of and leaden legs were hard to pick up so many times. I had HEED along the route and a water bottle stashed at mile 14; should have placed it sooner. I ran out of HEED about mile 10 and when I finally got some water, I felt much better. I’ll have to plan that better for my two remaining long runs.

I have a massage scheduled in a couple hours. This will be a deep tissue massage. I had one of those in the past and did not enjoy it at all. However, my masseuse wants to start there in hopes of loosening my tightness. It’s only 30 minutes and if it’s too much, I can always have her stop.

Getting close.

walk - 4.0
run - 12.0

the wisdom of Gandalf

I did not want to rise this morning when the alarm went off at 5:30.

I did not want to do my Pilates routine.

I did not want to lift weights.

I did not want to run the scheduled 8 miles.

As I sat gazing into my palantír, the words of Gandalf whispered to me, “Do not then stumble at the end of the road.”

Heeding his words, I did all of today’s needed work.

I have trained hard and must not stumble. The end of this particular road is a mere four weeks and five days away.

one down (20 miles)

I only have two 20 mile training runs in my schedule, maybe that’s why it’s so appealing. I’ve used this schedule for past marathons and have liked the approach; I won’t be beating myself up while training. The only time I’ll be doing 26.2 miles is marathon day.

The reality of it all boils down to this: a 20 mile run (no problem! I will have done two recently) and a 10K. And we can all do a 10K, a mere 6.2 miles. It’s all a mind game, one I plan on winning.

walk - 6.1
run - 13.9

lovin’ my Shuffle (16 miles)

Ah, the iPod dilemma. I have a nano and have been carrying it with me on all my walks and runs. No music for me! The constant change in tempo made for a weird stride/gait, so I listen to Rob Inglis read LOTR.

Anyway, finding a convenient and protected (from rain) pocket for the nano is getting more challenging. (The change in season has me wearing fewer layers hence fewer possibilities.) I am now the proud owner of the new 4GB iPod Shuffle. It’s tiny, clips onto clothing, and hold the complete LOTR plus more. Obviously there are less features than the nano, the clock comes to mind, but it certainly does what I want/need it to do for me.

These last Fridays after my long runs, I have been so surprised at the time when I get home. “Was I really gone that long?” Today was no different. It was 10:30 when I got home meaning I was out for over three hours. The time doesn’t fly but it passes at a good rate. I think it is because I am engrossed in LOTR. My mind is not on what my body is doing. Now if I can just keep that info from my body for another six weeks and one day, I’ll be golden!

walk - 3.9
run - 12.1

not too bad (18 miles)

The run was better than I anticipated. My leg was wrapped, and it gave me no trouble at all. Once again I walked more than I really had wanted to but there it is. I did the distance; that’s what I kept telling myself.

Today’s route was two distinct loops and two spurs to make the mileage. As I was doing the first spur, I thought I may as well do it twice now and not have to think about it again. However, I re-thought it immediately. I only needed to do each spur once today; twice is needed for next week’s miles. So a bonus of sorts.

My feet are very tired; I need to get those new shoes running not just walking.

I brought a bottle of HEED on the run. Still haven’t acquired a taste for it but it’s the nutrients in it that I need.

walk - 5.4
run - 12.6

addendum ~

Another bonus!  Checking my schedule, I run 16 miles next week not 20!!!

hey there!!

Thinking I might get this going again.

Bear with me.

We’ve had goings on and I am going to repost from another blog where I have several things of possible interest.

Gordon Lightfoot and Vernonia

also posted on 360*

Jerry and I drove to Eugene Friday afternoon for the Gordon Lightfoot concert that evening. It was a four hour drive and we hit some of the Portland weekend traffic. Not much fun but it had to be dealt with.

We did make good time and arrived in Eugene about 4:30 - just enough time for Jerry to take a power nap before a long evening.

Dot had made a dinner reservation at a place down the street from our motel so we packed our concert gear in a bag and walked there. When she and her friend arrived we put our stuff in her car. We then proceeded to have a feast at the steak house.

Arriving at the venue, we found a spot of level ground to park our blankets. There was time to walk around before the concert began, which it did promptly at 8:00. Mr. Lightfoot’s voice had certainly aged but the talent shown through. He did some of the old favorites and some new compositions. Very nice. As the sun went down, the moon came up over the stage. The stars started peeping out and the bats were active in the air.

The song right before the break was “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.” I have heard this song many times. I have envisioned the storm which blew early that November. I have known fishermen who have been in like storms and survived, and some who have not. But hearing Mr. Lightfoot sing it, oh my, I felt we should stand for a moment of silence to honor the 29 men who went down with the ship.

After the concert we pretty much collapsed at the motel. It was way past our bedtime.

Saturday morning we headed north again but spend only a brief amount of time and miles on I-5. We took back roads to Vernonia!!!

A little history here… When we drive to and from Portland, we always pass the cut-off to Vernonia. We also vow we will go there one day. But when we are passing the cut-off , we are always hell-bent to get to our final destination, hence no trip to Vernonia.

Estelina - you may “meet” Vern from Vernonia in Shanghaied next week.

It was our goal to discover this little town and play golf at their course. We did have a delightful lunch at a cafe: a fresh garden sandwich and a chicken wrap. Then it was off the play a round of golf.

Fun course if a bit challenging. I was shooting for a “double-par” score, a good way for beginners to score shown to me by my niece Michaela. I did OK. The sun was shining, there was no one behind us on the course, and I was with Jerry. Can’t beat that! We ended with superb scores on the final hole: birdie for Jerry and par for me.

More back roads toward home. This was the Hood to Coast weekend and the roads they take are the back ones also. Having participated in the relay many times, I knew how the traffic could be an absolute nightmare. However, a quick peek at the time and I knew that they would have already cleared the roads we wanted to travel. Excellent!

So! The concert was well worth the trip. Not only for the music but for the time with Jerry.